Maruf M.

Ph.D. Candidate @ Virginia Tech. Machine Learning Researcher.


Hi there! I am a final-year Ph.D. candidate in the Computer Science Department at Virginia Tech. I am working on integrating multimodal data, including knowledge graphs, images, and textual information, into machine learning models, particularly Vision Language Models, to enhance their applicability in scientific domains.

Under the supervision of Prof. Anuj Karpatne in KGML lab, my work extends to the development of Knowledge-Guided Machine Learning approaches for graph representation learning, GANs, segmentation, and imageomics, with a commitment to drive forward the convergence of Computer Vision, Graph Neural Networks, Deep Learning, and Natural Language Processing in scientific research.

I’ve also gathered experience in industry as a research intern at Amazon (2022) and Qualcomm (2021). In 2023, I was awarded the Kafura Graduate Fellowship from the Computer Science department at Virginia Tech.

Prior to joining the Ph.D. program, I completed my Master’s at CS@VT. Previously, I had completed my Bachelor’s in Computer Science and Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). Apart from academia, I love reading books, playing Chess and Table tennis.

Recent News!

Aug 2024 VLM4Bio is in arxiv!! Check it out here
Aug 2024 Our FishVista paper pre-print is available on arxiv! Check it out here.
Jul 2024 Yay :tada: PhyloDiffusion paper is accepted at ECCV 2024! Check it out: here.
Dec 2023 3 papers are accepted at the first workshop on Imageomics at AAAI, 2023. Here is my talk on “Are Pre-trained Vision Language Models (VLMs) Decent Zero-shot Predictors in Scientific Contexts?”
Aug 2023 Check out our paper on weakly supervised semantic segmentation. It’s on arxiv.
May 2022 Happy for my applied scientist internship opportunity @ Amazon.
Dec 2021 Our work on structured pruning is accepted at NeurIPS 2021. Yay :tada: Check out the paper here.
May 2021 Excited to a Machine Learning Intern in WRD team @ Qualcomm.
Mar 2021 PID-GAN paper is accepted at KDD’21. Yay :tada: Check out the paper.
Aug 2020 Our paper on Graph Representation Learning using Distance-aware Negative Sampling is accepted at SDM 2020. Yay :tada:. Check it out here.

Selected Publications

  1. arxiv
    VLM4Bio: A Benchmark Dataset to Evaluate Pretrained Vision-Language Models for Trait Discovery from Biological Images
    M. Maruf, A. Daw, K. S. Mehrab, and 19 more authors
    ArXiv, 2024
  2. arxiv
    What Do You See in Common? Learning Hierarchical Prototypes over Tree-of-Life to Discover Evolutionary Traits
    H. B. Manogaran, M. Maruf, A. Daw, and 10 more authors
    ArXiv, 2024
  3. ECCV 24
    Hierarchical Conditioning of Diffusion Models Using Tree-of-Life for Studying Species Evolution
    Mridul Khurana, Arka Daw, M. Maruf, and 12 more authors
    In Proceedings of ECCV, Milan, Italy, 2024
  4. arxiv
    FishVista: A Multi-Purpose Dataset for Understanding and Identification of Visual Traits from Images
    K. S. Mehrab*M. Maruf*, A. Daw*, and 14 more authors
    In ArXiv, 2024
  5. Vision
    Beyond Discriminative Regions: Saliency Maps as Alternatives to CAMs for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
    M. Maruf, Arka Daw, Amartya Dutta, and 2 more authors
    In arXiv, 2023
  6. NeurIPS 21
    Learning Compact Representations of Neural Networks using DiscriminAtive Masking (DAM)
    Jie Bu*, Arka Daw*M. Maruf*, and 1 more author
    In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2021
  7. KDD 21
    PID-GAN: A GAN Framework based on a Physics-informed Discriminator for Uncertainty Quantification with Physics
    Arka Daw*M. Maruf*, and Anuj Karpatne
    In Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining (KDD), 2021
  8. SDM 20
    Maximizing cohesion and separation in graph representation learning: A distance-aware negative sampling approach
    M. Maruf, and Anuj Karpatne
    In Proceedings of the 2021 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 2020